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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Arizona Instrument Corporation
Characterization Technologies
*Air, All Listings
Soil, Soil Gas, Air Vapors
Heavy Metals
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Technology Description:

Arizona Instrument manufactures a portable, hand held analyzer that measures the level of mercury vapor in air. The Jerome 431-X analyzer uses a gold-film technology on a Wheatstone bridge for its sensor.

          An internal pump draws an air sample into the analyzer, through the flow system and over the sensor. When mercury is present, it will adsorb to the thin gold film sensor which undergoes a change in electrical resistance proportional to the mass of mercury adsorbed onto its surface. This change is measured and converted to a vapor concentration which is displayed on the digital readout of the analyzer. The selectivity of the sensor eliminates interferences from water vapor, SO2 and aromatic hydrocarbons.

          The "sample mode" enables the user to manually initiate a sample to gather a reading of mercury vapor concentration. This mode should be used when optimum accuracy is required. In the "survey mode," the analyzer automatically takes samples in rapid succession as long as the operator desires. This mode is useful in locating mercury spills or to assess areas of potentially high mercury concentrations.

          The analyzer has optional dosimeter analysis and communications capabilities. The dosimeters used with the system are reusable. Analog output allows mercury readings to be printed on a strip chart recorder. A datalogger can also be attached to the analyzer for recording of sample readings and then downloaded to a personal computer using communications software for analysis. The communications software enables the analyzer to be used for unattended monitoring in situ. It can be programmed to automatically take a sample every one to 60 minutes and to indicate an alarm when user-defined vapor levels are exceeded.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          Arizona Instrument has manufactured mercury analyzers that use the gold-film sensor technology since 1976. Over 3,500 analyzers have been sold during this time both domestically and internationally.


          The sensor in the Jerome 431-X is limited to the detection of elemental mercury. The analyzer is designed to be used in a non- condensive, non-explosive environment. Liquids, dust or other foreign material entering into the system through the sample intake need to be avoided to maintain the integrity of the system. Magnetic fields can interfere with the unit's operation as well.
Analytical Testing, Mercury, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Monitor, Mercury Vapor, Air

Arizona Instrument Corporation
4114 East Wood Street
Primary (602) 470-1414
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(602) 470-1888
Branch Locations: