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Aeromatic Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Database
US Environmental Protection Agency-EPA, All Listings
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AIRS is an information management system which is the national repository for data about airborne pollution in the United States and, to a limited extent, in various other countries. This database is comprised of three major subsystems:
          AQS - The Air Quality Subsystem contains measurements of ambient concentrations of air pollutants and associated meteorological and monitoring site data from 10,000 air monitoring stations;

          AFS - The Airs Facility Subsystem contains estimates of aeromatic emissions, regulatory compliance data, and permit tracking data on nearly 150,000 air pollution point sources monitored by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies;

          GCS - The Geo-Common Subsystem contains reference information that is used with all of the AIRS subsystems. This includes codes and code descriptions to identify places, pollutants, processes, geo-political entities, etc.

          How To Access The Data

          The data can be accessed in several ways:

          1. Search AIRS data from the Web site.

          2. Access to the whole database on the EPA mainframe requires an EPA mainframe account, modem, and communications software. Contact OAQPS for information about becoming a registered AIRS user.

          3. A PC software package called AIRS Executive contains a subset of the AIRS data (easy-to-read summaries of air pollution data). The AIRS executive data files are updated monthly and can be downloaded from the AIRS home page. The AFS Subsystem can be queried directly through EPA's Envirofacts at The AIRS home page, AIRS Executive,Envirofacts, and the AIRS bulletin board are free resources to the public.

          4. Users may request U.S. air pollution data from the EPA. Some data is marked confidential by the States and cannot be released, but the vast majority of data is publicly available. It is generally a good idea to contact EPA to discuss the kinds and amount of data desired before making an official request. Individuals may request information via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) official procedures.
Air Emissions/Pollution/CAA, Permitting

Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Air Pollution, Permits, Emissions, Monitoring, Pollution Sources

EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Information Transfer and Program Integration Division
AIRS Helpline (MD-34C)
Research Triangle Park
AIRS Helpline (800) 333-7909
Responsible Person(919) 541-5454
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AIRS Bulletin Board dial-in(919) 541-5742
United States
Fax:(919) 541-0028
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