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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Treatment Technologies
*Waste, Soil, All Listings
Soils, Sludges, Sediments
Solvents, Petroleum Products, Manufacturing Wastes, Biological Sludges
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Technology Description:

Bioremediation of excavated soils, sludges, and sediments may be conducted in bioslurry reactors. The main objectives of employing this technology are to oxidize the contaminants of interest and to reduce the volume of impacted material. Bioslurry reactors can provide rapid biodegradation of contaminants due to enhanced mass transfer rates and increased contaminant to microorganism contact.

          Due to the increased concentration of active biomass, improved oxygen delivery, and optimized environment in bioslurry reactors, the units are capable of treating high concentrations of organic contaminants in soil and sludges.

          Bioslurry reactor systems aerobically biodegrade aqueous slurries created through the mixing of soils or sludges with water. The most common mode of bioslurry treatment is batch; however, IT can operate several reactors in series to provide semicontinuous flow operation. Aeration is provided through floating, submerged aerators alone or in conjunction with mechanical mixers. Nutrient addition and pH adjustment are accomplished through metered chemical addition to the reactor vessel. IT prefers to stimulate indigenous bacteria rather than add bacteria to the system. Following aeration, the treated slurry is dewatered via standard dewatering equipment, such as clarifiers or filtration.

          Maximum contaminant reduction is accomplished in bioslurry reactors primarily through proper feed preparation. IT evaluates several physical and chemical processes that may be used to transfer contaminants to the aqueous phase where biodegradation can take place. IT's process can handle slurries with up to 40 percent solids and contaminants in the 1,000s ppm range. Reactor size is determined based on the hydraulic and biological solids retention times required for treatment. Retention times are established based on the biodegradability of the waste, level of treatment required, influent contaminant concentration, and physical/chemical nature of the waste.

          The residual streams created during bioslurry remediation include treated solids, process water, and possible air emissions. The process water collected during the solids/liquid separation phase is usually recycled for influent waste stream slurrying or discharged under permit. Air emissions may be controlled through air pollution control (APC) devices.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          Bioslurry remediation has been successfully demonstrated at bench-, pilot-, and full-scale. Treatability studies have been conducted on soils and sludges contaminated with petroleum compounds, wood treating contaminants, and chemical manufacturing wastes.


          The process may require pretreatment of the waste matrix to produce general characteristics which are appropriate for bioslurry treatment. The contaminant must be transferred to the aqueous phase for biodegradation to take place. This may be accomplished by either physical or chemical treatment. Other characteristics necessary for bioslurry treatment include 0.025 to 25 percent organics by weight, 10 to 40 percent solids by weight, and less than 1/4-inch particle size.
Bioremediation/Biodegradation, Technologies, Treatment/Remediation
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Bioremediation, Slurry, Batch Process

IT Corporation
312 Directors Drive
Primary (615) 690-3211
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United States
Fax:(615) 690-3626
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