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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
SpectraTrakTM GC/MS
Characterization Technologies
*Air, Water, Waste, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Sludge, Water, Air, Gases
Halogenated and Non-Halogenated Volatiles and Semivolatiles, Organic Pesticides/Herbicides, PNAs, BTEX, PCBs, Gases, etc.
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Technology Description:

The Viking SpectraTrak models 672 and 572 are fieldable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) systems engineered to provide laboratory-grade analytical performance in a compact, rugged package that is easily deployed and operated in the field. This technology provides the capability to perform separation, positive identification, and quantitation of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds in solids, liquids, or gases.

          GC/MS is a hybrid analytical technique that couples the separation capability of the gas chromatograph (GC) with the analytical capability of the mass spectrometer (MS). The GC separates a complex multi-component sample into its individual component compounds; separation is performed as each analyte exits the GC instrument at a different time, depending upon its vapor pressure and affinity for the stationary phase of the chromatographic column. The mass spectrometer then analyzes each component as it exits from the GC. Molecules entering the mass spectrometer from the GC are impacted by an electron beam, producing characteristic fragments and molecular ions. These fragments and ions are separated according to their mass-to-charge ratios, and the result is a characteristic mass spectrum ("chemical fingerprint") that is rapidly matched to an on-board library to positively identify each component. Quantitative analysis is performed by the Windows-based computer system, which measures the detector's response and compares it with a calibration table that has been constructed from standards of known concentration.

          Previous GC/MS systems were large benchtop systems that could only be used in the laboratory by specialists. The SpectraTrak GC/MS systems deliver performance equivalent to laboratory GC/MS systems with the added capabilities of a direct MS interface and a full complement of built-in sample handling devices--all in a compact, fieldable, field-proven package. The SpectraTrak system is equipped with a temperature-programmable, miniaturized GC; a Hewlett-Packard 5972A quadrupole mass analyzer; a high-performance turbomolecular pump; and an embedded Pentium computer to perform instrument control and data analysis functions. Sample introduction techniques provided include: Direct sample injection, either split or splitless; ambient air or soil gas sampling with built-in sampling pump and flow meter, concentration, and thermal desorption; purge-and-trap of volatiles; and direct real-time MS analysis, without GC separation. An on-board carrier gas supply is contained in a pressurized cylinder that meets FAA regulations for transportation. The entire analytical system is encapsulated into a single shock-mounted case which, when closed, protects the instrument from excess humidity and shock vibrations encountered during handling and shipment. By closing a manual vacuum isolation valve on the back of the unit, the system can be transported with its vacuum intact; this greatly reduces start-up / pump-down time, and increases daily sample throughput. The system can easily accommodate autosamplers, automatic liquid samplers, and purge-and-trap autosamplers for automated unattended operation.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The Viking SpectraTrak field GC/MS technology has been extensively proven in hazardous waste sites, military base sites, and industrial facilities. Organizations successfully utilizing this technology include government agencies, DOE national laboratories, environmental consulting and engineering firms, and manufacturing industries. Analytical results have been confirmed by laboratory analysis, and were shown to compare favorably. In many cases, concentration levels determined on site were consistently higher than those determined in the laboratory; this discrepancy arises from evaporative losses and chemical degradation that can occur during sample handling and transport. Significant cost savings have been realized in hazardous waste site characterization and remediation projects; some of these case studies are described in Part 5.


          The Viking field GC/MS technology is not suitable for analyzing metallic inorganic compounds or highly corrosive compounds such as hydrogen fluoride. GC columns with inner diameter of over 0.32mm (such as 0.53mm "megabore" columns) are generally not recommended for use on the Viking SpectraTrak systems. The dimensions of the miniaturized GC oven require that the columns be wound on a 3.5-inch diameter column cage. Wider bore columns may become brittle and break when wound to that diameter. Wider bore columns also require a jet separator to divert some of the high volume of flow from the column to the detector.
Analytical Testing, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer, Portable

Viking Instruments Corporation
3800 Concorde Parkway, Suite 1500
Primary (703) 968-0101
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United States
Fax:(703) 968-0166
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