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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
MTI Micro GCs
Characterization Technologies
*Air, Water, Waste, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Soil Gas,
VOCs, BTEX, Solvents, Explosives
Web Site:
Technology Description:

MTI, formerly known as Microsensor Systems, offers Micro GCs that can be used on-line, in the laboratory or in the field to analyze samples in the gaseous phase, including soil and aqueous headspace samples. MTI's portable gas chromatographs (GC) house up to four GC modules, associated electronics and pneumatics, an internal battery pack (6-8 hours) and an internal (40-hour) carrier gas tank. Samples are typically pulled into MTI GCS by an internal sample pump and analyzed by each GC module simultaneously. Each GC module can be controlled independently with variable sample run times injector temperatures and detector gain. Each GC module includes an injector (ambient temperature -- 110 degrees centigrade [C]), analytical and reference columns, column heater (30-180 C isothermal) and a thermal conductivity detector. Detection limits are 1 part per million (ppm) for most gases and 10-30 ppb for headspace methods.

          MTI also offers a portable sample concentrator, Trapper 2000. Trapper traps and concentrates (500-1000X enhancement) gas samples to achieve low ppb sensitivity.

          MTI micro GC features and benefits:

          Fast analysis times - samples are typically analyzed in 160 seconds or less. Up to 20 times faster than conventional GCs. Miniaturized injectors and detectors let MTI Micro GCs use short, extremely narrow capillary and micro packed columns, increasing efficiency of the separation process. Near real-time results save remediation time and expense. Fast analysis times also benefit on-line monitoring of remediation processes.

          Portable - The two module GC system is about the size of a briefcase and weighs 12 to 23 pounds. The four module GC system is slightly larger and weighs 35 pounds.

          Peak Confirmation - Confirm peak identification on a second or third analytical column (of a different phase). Up to 4 GC columns can analyze samples simultaneously.

          Flexibility - Up to 4 analytical columns and MTI's state of the art universal detector analyze a wide variety and wide concentration range of extremely complex gas mixtures or headspace samples. Handles from ppm to percent levels without detector overload. Linear response over five orders of magnitude, reducing the need to dilute samples.

          Easy to Use - Microsoft windows based graphical user interface and simple GC design (no complex valving, detector servicing, etc. make MTI GCs easy to operate. Controls, acquires, and displays data from all four channels simultaneously.
Performance Status/

Limitations: Gas and headspace vapor samples only; 1 ppm for most gases, unless trapper 2000 sample concentrator is used; 10-30 ppb for headspace applications; target analytes with boiling points less than 220 degrees C only.
Analytical Testing, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Gas Chromatograph, VOCs, Gases

MTI Analytical Instruments
41726 Christy Street
Primary (510) 490-0900
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(510) 490-0904
Branch Locations: