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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
MicroTIP Total VOC Analyzer (MP1000,HL2000,IS3000)
Characterization Technologies
*Air, Water, Waste, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Soil Gas, Water, Air
Halogenated Volatiles, BTEX, Solvents, Gases
Web Site:
Technology Description:

Photovac has developed the MicroTIP Hand-Held Air Analyzer for real-time analysis of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) at hazardous waste sites.

          The instrument operates with a Photoionization Detector (PID) utilizing a 10.6eV Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV) light source. The light source emits photons in an ionization chamber. A sample molecule absorbs a photon when the energy of the photon is less than or equal to the ionization potential of the sample molecule. Ions formed are collected in the ionization chamber and the resulting current is proportional to the concentration of the sample molecules being ionized.

          The MicroTIP is used for field monitoring of soil gas, groundwater headspace, and ambient air. Toxic gases and vapors are measured in real-time over the concentration range 0.1-2000 PPM. Maximum, Minimum, and Average concentrations are recorded and displayed on the LCD. A 1:10 Dilution Probe can be attached to the inlet of the MicroTIP to extend the ability of the instrument to measure concentrations as high as 10,000 PPM.

          The MicroTIP has a built-in datalogging capacity of 25K, 8640 datapoints with 12 hours of continuous datalogging. The instrument has a datalogging Standby Mode allowing the user to select this function as an option.

          The layout of the function keys allows intuitive and logical steps of operation of the instrument. A built-in Tutorial Key guides the new user through the functions of the individual keys.

          Built-in self diagnostics guide the user through troubleshooting steps, making routine maintenance procedures easy to follow.

          Calibration factors can be stored in the built-in microprocessor memory for 10 different compounds or different lamp energies.

          The instrument runs on a lead/acid rechargeable battery pack which allows a full 7 hours of field operation. The battery pack is interchangeable for extended use.

          A built-in port allows sample collection for further analysis by Gas Chromatography.

          Weighing only 5 1/4 lbs., the MicroTIP is a truly hand-carried device for field monitoring.

          The MicroTIP is available in three models:

          (1) The MP-1000 - General Purpose.

          (2) The HL-2000 - UL Classified for Class I Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D Hazardous Locations.

          (3) The IS-3000 - UL Classified for Class I Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D, and T4 Intrinsically Safe Locations.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The three models of the MicoTIP have been available since 1991 and have been used extensively by various local, state, and federal EPA groups for site screening.


          The MicroTIP is capable of analyzing compounds with vapor pressures of at least 1 mm Hg at 25 C. With the exception of Naphthalene, semi-volatile compounds such as PCBs and other Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, would not be suitable applications of the MicroTIP.

          Other gases not detectable with the MicroTIP include CO, CO2, NO2, SO2, SO3, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Fluoride, or Nitric Acid corrosive vapors.
Analytical Testing, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
PID, VOCs, Monitor, Portable

Photovac Monitoring Instruments
25-B Jefryn Blvd. West
Deer Park
Primary (516) 254-4199
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(516) 254-4284
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