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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
STOLS Surface Towed Ordnance Locator System
Characterization Technologies
*Waste, Soil, All Listings
Radioactive Metals, Buried Materials
Web Site:
Technology Description:

GEO-CENTERS, INC. has developed a vehicular and portable adjunct geophysical search system. It is capable of characterizing the subsurface at rates exceeding 25 acres per day with magnetic data density of 100,000 measurements per acre using this global positioning system integrated vehicular platform.

          The system consists of an array of total field, cesium vapor magnetometers, synchronized and kinematically located by a differential global positioning system. The vehicular system was specifically designed and fabricated to have a low magnetic self-signature. The system has been equipped with, and is sometimes fielded as a multisensor technology by affixing an EM61 electromagnetic pulse induction sensor array to the vehicle for simultaneous deployment. Data is logged and transferred to a UNIX workstation located at the work site at anytime during the survey process, interrupting the progress of the work, for 2 or 3 minutes. The workstation produces image maps of the surface and subsurface metallic contents within seconds. All detect anomalies are immediately obvious to the observer either on the display monitor or in hard copy. Anomalies can be located in latitude and longitude or on local grid coordinates with centimeter accuracy. Because the target abnormalities are located by the global positioning system, the data is easily transferred to geographical information system data base.

          The system is totally self-contained in an air conditioned tractor trailer which can be transported anywhere in the world. GEO-CENTER fields teams of geophysicists, unexploded ordnance professionals and field engineers to provide this service.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          Currently one vehicular and one man-powered system are available for full scale operations. This system is a second generation, commercial version of a prototype for which GEO-CENTERS was the selected design and build contractor in the service of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and the U.S. Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division for the military STOLS which was delivered to the Navy.


          This geophysical search system is primarily applicable to buried ferrous objects such as unexploded ordnance, underground storage tanks, buried drums (often containing hazardous substances), underground utilities and such. When outfitted with the electromagnetic pulse induction system, it is effective in detecting all metals.

          The system has been deployed to a number of sites to characterize the extent of household refuse landfills and has proven to be extremely effective in providing post survey intrusive investigators with knowledge of where to locate sampling wells for example.

          The off-road tow vehicle is a low magnetic signature dune buggy designed and constructed specifically for this application. It has been successfully deployed to grassy areas with inclines of 30 degrees, to swamps in knee deep water and to various desert locations. Large balloon tires allow for exertion of minimal ground pressure from 6 to 10 psi depending on which type tire is employed for specific site conditions.

          Although the vehicle is operable in multiple terrains, vehicle limitations are possible. In addition, GPS locationing cannot be performed in highly canopied areas.

          Surveys can be conducted on areas covered with standing water, however, the system cannot detect anomalies in surface water.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), Geophysics, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Locator, Buried Objects

Geo-Centers, Inc.
7 Wells Avenue
Primary (617) 964-7070
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(617) 527-7592
Branch Locations: