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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
TerraSight Spill Outline Monitor
Characterization Technologies
*Waste, All Listings
Water, Soil, Surfaces
PCBs, PNAs, Solvents, BTEX
Web Site:
Technology Description:

The TerraSight (TM) is a self contained, handheld device weighing about ten pounds, that allows a single operator to visually detect mineral oil and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) materials on almost any surface. Using proprietary illumination and detection components, the TerraSight displays contamination on a small television monitor mounted on the instrument.

          This real time, visual display enables cleanup personnel to inspect large areas during daylight, night time, dry or wet conditions, to rapidly determine the location of contamination, and the spill perimeter, to speed cleanup and reduce project costs.

          Using a sweeping motion, similar to using a metal detector, the operator scans the spill area. During this operation light of a narrow wavelength is projected from the detector head onto the surface being inspected causing excitation fluorescence of the targeted materials. Low level light energy released from the excited material's fluorescence is then filtered to reject unwanted wavelengths of reflected and ambient light, then amplified, converted to a video signal, and relayed to the monitor. Light areas displayed on the monitor's darker background indicate the presence of contamination to the operator.

          The TerraSight (TM) has been optimized for characteristic fluorescence emissions of mineral oils and PCBs commonly used for their cooling and dielectric qualities in electrical transmission components, such as transformers and capacitors. The TerraSight is also a valuable tool for detecting spills of other petroleum based substances, including gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, silicone oil, and motor oils, with varying detection sensitivities that are limited by material's degree of concentration and the age of the spill.

          The TerraSight has also shown the ability to locate other petroleum based materials.
Performance Status/


          There are several factors that may limit the detection thresholds of the device. The type of material largely determines its visibility. Some contaminates may emit less fluorescent energy than the products mentioned above. Effects of the surface texture and porosity, the age, and effects of weathering on the spill all effect detection levels. Some "lighter" materials may be visible for hours or days, some "heavier" materials may be visible for several years.

          The TerraSight will perform well over most surfaces, including soil, rock, grass, wood, foliage, etc. Wet surfaces do not present a problem, and may actually increase detection levels in some instances, but snow or heavy frost, and some highly reflective surfaces may overload the system components limiting its operation. Some rare cases of background fluorescence of soil and rock have been reported that create difficulty in observing low levels of contamination.
PCBs, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Spill Detector, PCBs, Portable, Fluorescence

Photographic Analysis Company, Inc.
190 Parish Drive
Primary (714) 583-7441
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(714) 583-7441
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