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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
PE Photovac 2020 Total Vol Analyzer
Characterization Technologies
*Air, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Soil Gas, Air Vapors
Solvents, BTEX, Gases
Web Site:
Technology Description:

PE Photovac has developed the 2020 Hand-Held Air Analyzer for real time analysis of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) at hazardous waste sites, landfills, and in emergency response situations.

          The 2020 is cell-phone sized and shaped and operates with a Photoionization detector (PID) utilizing a 10.6 eV Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV) light source. The light source emits photons in an ionization chamber. A sample molecule absorbs a photon when the energy of the photon is less than or equal to the ionization potential of the sample molecule. Ions formed are collected in the ionization chamber and the resulting current is proportional to the concentration of the sample compound being ionized.

          The 2020 is used for field monitoring of hazardous waste, soil gas, groundwater headspace, and ambient air. Toxic gases and vapors are measured in real time over the concentration range 0.1-2000 PPM. Minimum, Average, and Maximum concentrations are recorded and displayed on the built-in LCD. A 1:10 Dilution Probe can be attached to the 2020 to extend the ability of the instrument to measure concentrations as high as 20,000 PPM.

          Seventy (70) compounds' Response Factors are factory programmed into the 2020 and the user has the ability to store up to 15 additional compounds of interest. The 2020 has an audio and visible (LED) Alarm indicator.

          A simple keypad layout comprises three "hard keys" and three "soft keys" allow intuitive and logical steps of operation of the instrument. Built-in self diagnostics guide the user through troubleshooting steps, making routine maintenance procedures easy to follow.

          The 2020 runs on a rechargeable NiCd battery pack which allows a full 10 hours of field operation. The battery pack is interchangeable for extended use.

          Weighing only 1.75 pounds, the 2020 is a truly hand-held instrument for field monitoring.

          The 2020 is available in two models:

          1. The 2020 General Purpose

          2. The 2020 I/S Intrinsically Safe. Classified for Class I, Division 1, Group A, B C, and D.

          Readings are continuous.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The two models of the 2020 have been available since 1994 and have been used extensively by various local, state, and Federal EPA groups for site screening.

          The 2020 has gained acceptance as an acceptance as an alternate technology to the Flame ionization detector (FID) for monitoring contaminated soils.

          A further advantage of the 2020 is that the instrument can be operated directly from the charger but, under this condition, the Intrinsic Safety classification will not apply.


          The 2020 is capable of analyzing compounds with vapor pressures of at least 1mm Hg at 25 degrees C. With the exception of Naphthalene, semi-volatile compounds such as PCBs and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons would not be suitable applications of the 2020.

          Other gases not detectable with the 2020 include CO, CO2, NO2, SO2, SO3, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Fluoride, Nitric Acid and other corrosive vapors.
Air Sampling/Modeling, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Air, Monitor, Toxics

Photovac Monitoring Instruments
25-B Jefryn Blvd. West
Deer Park
Primary (516) 254-4199
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(516) 254-4384
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