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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
PetroSense R Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor (FOCS TM)
Characterization Technologies
*Air, Water, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Soil Gas, Water
Halogenated and Non-Halogenated Volatiles, BTEX
Web Site:
Technology Description:

FCI Environmental has developed the world's first patented Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor (FOCS TM), PetroSense R, and has incorporated this sensor into a portable field instrument, the PHA-100, a continuous monitoring system, the CMS-5000, and the independent probes that work with any hydrological data logger, the DHP-200. This technology allows the user to measure ppm levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons in-situ, dissolved in water, in soil (vapor) or as free product.

          PetroSense R combines patented FOCS TM technology with digital electronics and an advanced microprocessor that makes PetroSense R unique in the marketplace. FOCS TM technology is based on modulation of the transmitted light intensity when the sensor is exposed to hydrocarbons. The PetroSense R sensor is designed with a proprietary chemical coating which responds reversibly to increasing or decreasing levels of petroleum hydrocarbons. There is no response to naturally occurring hydrocarbons, such as methane.

          The PetroSense R PHA-100 Portable Hydrocarbon Analyzer is designed to meet the requirements of both EPA Level I and Level II field monitoring. In the analytical mode, it gives fast and accurate quantitative data for petroleum hydrocarbons in water and soil (vapor), and correlates very well to gas chromatographic analysis. Typical applications include site assessments, remediation system optimization, well plume monitoring, leak detection from above ground (AST) and underground storage tanks (UST), and prescreening of lab samples prior to gas chromatographic analysis.

          The PetroSense R CMS-5000 Continuous Monitoring System consists of a data acquisition system with modem and storage module, an optional alarm module and 1 to 16 DHP-200 Digital Hydrocarbon Probes. Typical applications include leak detection for ASTs where the probes are installed in horizontal perforated PVC conduits underneath the AST, or USTs where they are installed in vertical perforated PVC conduits around the UST. Also, the CMS-5000 can be used for well monitoring and in-situ remediation optimization.
Performance Status/

Cannot be exposed to direct sunlight.
Analytical Testing, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Monitor, Petroleum, Portable

FCI Environmental, Inc.
1181 Grier Drive
Suite B
Las Vegas
Primary (702) 361-7921
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(702) 361-9652
Branch Locations: