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EPA OAR Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP)
Federal/National - Agencies
US Environmental Protection Agency-EPA, All Listings
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The Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP) is part of the US EPA Office of Air and Radiation (OAR). The mission of the OAP is to protect human health and the environment through implementation of cross-cutting atmospheric programs. The three Divisions of the Office of Atmospheric Programs are listed below.

          Acid Rain Division - The Acid Rain Division implements the Acid Rain Program, which focuses on obtaining emission reductions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from electric utilities. The Acid Rain Program introduces an allowance trading system that contains an inherent incentive for utilities to prevent pollution. The Opt-in Program allows sources not required to participate in the Acid Rain Program the opportunity to enter the program on a voluntary basis, reduce their SO2 emissions, and receive their own acid rain allowances.

          Stratospheric Protection Division - Title VI of the Clean Air Act directs EPA to create several programs to protect the stratospheric ozone layer, such as programs to govern the recycling of refrigerants in stationary systems and to end the practice of venting refrigerants to the air. EPA's Stratospheric Protection Division is responsible for implementing Title VI through a number of regulatory and voluntary programs. The Ozone Layer Protection Program focuses on protection of the Earth's ozone layer through achieving the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, methyl bromide, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform (Class I substances) and HCFCs (Class II substances).

          Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division - EPA's Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division (APPD) is responsible for implementing the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Program. This program focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through implementing voluntary, energy efficiency programs, such as the Methane Outreach Programs, the Green Lights Program, and the Energy Star Programs. APPD is dedicated to improving building energy and office equipment efficiency for commercial, industrial, nonprofit, and governmental enterprises; improving energy efficiency in residences; improving efficiency, efficacy, and "environmental friendliness" of CFC substitutes, perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and other industrially-used gases; and capturing and using methane releases from industrial and agricultural activities instead of releasing it into the atmosphere.
Acid Rain, Air Emissions/Pollution/CAA, CFCs, Energy Conservation/Management, Federal Environmental Agencies, Ozone, Permitting

Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Air Pollution, Acid Rain, Permits, Compliance Plans, Ozone, Methane, CFCs, Energy Efficiency

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP)
401 M Street SW, (6201J)
Primary (202) 233-9140
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United States
Fax:(202) 233-9598
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