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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Treatment Technologies
*Waste, All Listings
(not listed)
Hydrocarbons, PCBs, PCPs
Web Site:
Technology Description:

G.E.M., Inc's chemical treatment technology is a closed system process where hydrocarbons undergo an oxidation process by chemical reaction. The aboveground treatment process allows for testing before release of the cleaned matrix for disposal.

          The operating principle is based upon the reaction of either an acid or caustic, with either the pollutant or a mixture of the pollutant and aluminum oxide, to chemically convert the hydrocarbons to carbon and non-hazardous aluminum compounds.

          The treatment takes place in a heated pressure chamber. Steam and other gases are vented to a separate chamber for further processing if necessary. Residual hazardous materials can be adsorbed by rehydratable alumina and retreated. It is unique as a closed system. The system is initially to be used as a batch digester type, and later developed into a continuous digester similar to the type employed at paper mills.

          The greatest advantage is that this is a closed system, where nothing is released into the atmosphere during operation, and allows for retreatment in the event that the procedure is not smooth. Public acceptance of this method is much more likely than that of incineration.

          The procedure is ideally suited to the destruction of PCBs and PCPs as well as other hydrocarbons, and possibly dioxins. The products from the chemical treatment is non-hazardous and can either be disposed of at ordinary disposal sites, or recycled.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The process is patented under U.S. Patent #4,919,819. The patent also covers a process for removing hazardous material from water. The technology for removal of hazardous substances from water is not included in the VISITT database because it probably is not applicable for in situ processing).

          This process has been proven at the bench-scale level for treatment of a wide range of hydrocarbons, which are outlined in the patent. The design for a pilot-scale plant and a larger-scale plant have both been completed, but neither have been built or operated.

          Being a small company, we have, thus far, been unable to obtain EPA permits due to the financial assurance requirements contained in 40 CFR 270.65.


          This technology is not applicable to metals or inorganic materials. Pretreatment to reduce the quantity of inert material mixed with the hazardous waste is desirable for economic reasons. It is also undesirable for the waste to contain excess water. However, a wide range of conditions can be handled by the system.
Chemicals, Organics, Technologies, Treatment/Remediation
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Chemical Oxidation, Pressure Chamber, Hydrocarbons, PCBs

G.E.M., INC.
P.O. Box 397
Highway 67 South
Primary (501) 337-9410
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(501) 337-1208
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