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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Characterization Technologies
*Air, Water, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Sludge, Sediment, Leachate
Halogenated and Non-Halogenated Volatiles and Semivolatiles
Web Site:
Technology Description:

The Steam-Probe system has been developed to conduct comprehensive site assessments involving soil sampling, ground water sampling and soil vapor analysis. The system employs a hydraulically inserted probe with interchangeable tips for the various functions. The soil and ground water samples are obtained using approved protocols. The Steam-Probe soil vapor analysis function is able to extract volatile and semi-volatile hydrocarbon contaminants in soils at depths up to 75 feet, analyze them on site to EPA standards using a laboratory quality gas-chronograph. This is achieved by a proprietary steam injection and vacuum extraction process. Its advantage over competing technology is that the temperature of the soil under investigation is raised by an ingenious heat-exchanger in the probe tip. Based on Henry's Law, a higher percentage of the hydrocarbon vapor is recovered from the reduced pressure, heated subsurface soil. Desorbed vapors do not have direct contact with the injected steam but are kept dry and heated in the pipe annulus from the probe tip to the vacuum pump. The Steam-Probe is mounted on a four-wheel drive truck and can reach difficult locations on a hilly or muddy site. It can be driven inside buildings and can probe under floors. Early investigation before property transfer is particularly successful application of this equipment. Determination of a contaminant plume with a Steam-Probe instead of "hit-and-miss" well placement results in significant time and cost savings during a site assessment and corrective action planning.
Performance Status/

Experience with in-situ vacuum extraction has shown that moist soils are dried by the vacuum extraction process. Some decrease in the release of volatile organic compounds will result due to drying as extraction processes. This increased adherence can be reversed or avoided by maintaining adequate soil moisture during the extraction process. This phenomenon is mathematically described by the Relative Vapor Concentration Formula. By applying moist heat to the sub-surface soil conditions, ensuring that drying of the soil matrix does not occur, and reducing the ambient pressure in the zone of extraction, compounds with boiling points of up to 400 degrees F and 0.007 atmospheres vapor pressure can be suitable for soil vapor analysis.
Sample Collection, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Steam Extraction, Soil, Groundwater, Probe

TVG Environmental, Inc.
3200 West End Avenue
Suite 401
Primary (615) 292-6252
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(615) 383-5923
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