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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Westinghouse Soil Washing System
Treatment Technologies
*Waste, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Sediment
Organics, Heavy metals,
Web Site:
Technology Description:

Westinghouse offers leading edge technology for on-site soil washing of contaminated soils, sludges, and other materials. Soil washing removes the contaminants from soil such that a large portion of the inlet soil is cleaned and discharged with contamination levels below a specified limit. The extracted contaminants are concentrated in the remaining, smaller portion of the soil for disposal. The Westinghouse Soil Washing Process (WSWP) is one of the few such technologies that can treat soils contaminated with organics, heavy metals, radionuclides, and combinations of contaminants.

          The WSWP evolved from a combination of Westinghouse mining and remediation experience. The full-scale units are integrated process trains which use equipment originally developed for the mining industry. The process is arranged to form three functional units:
        • an initial screening and wash of coarse materials;
        • breakup of the remaining solids followed by a thorough wash;
        • a high intensity leaching and separation of the contaminated fines from the clean soil
          Westinghouse maintains two full-scale soil washing units. Both process a continuous feed of soil, the larger unit at 20 tons per hour, and the smaller one from 2 to 4 tons per hour. Both units are trailer mounted and can be easily mobilized.
Performance Status/

Westinghouse has completed a major soil washing project which involved remediation of 16,000 cubic yards of material contaminated with metals at site near Bruni, Texas. In addition, Westinghouse has completed bench-, and full-scale pilot testing for the remediation of a wood treating site.

          Westinghouse has also successfully performed numerous bench- and pilot-scale treatability studies. This practical experience base includes performance with the following contaminants and soil conditions:

          * uranium and radium in a 40 percent clay soil
          * copper in a coarse soil
          * polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in a sandy soil
          * silty oil landfarm soils contaminated with grease, PCBs, and uranium
          * river/sewer sediments contaminated with mercury and uranium
          * sandblasting sand contaminated with lead
          * clay contaminated with hexavalent chromium
          * sludges contaminated with chrome, nickel, and copper
          * sandy soil contaminated with lead and petroleum hydrocarbons
          * clay soil contaminated with uranium and nickel
          * ash contaminated with lead, cadmium, and zinc
Technologies, Treatment/Remediation
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Soil Washing, Aqueous Solvents

Westinghouse Remediation Services, Inc.
675 Park North Boulevard
Building F, Suite 100
Primary (404) 299-4736
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(404) 299-4703
Branch Locations: