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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Thermal Desorption
Treatment Technologies
*Soil, All Listings
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Web Site:
Technology Description:

Soil Remediation of Philadelphia, Inc. operates a low temperature thermal desorption soil remediation facility capable of reducing total petroleum hydrocarbons to less than 10 ppm in soil, while producing no residual waste products.

          The remediation plant is designed to store and treat contaminated soils in a safe and effective manner. The untreated soil is stored within an enclosed storage building until it is conveyed into the rotary kiln. Once in the kiln the soil is heated in excess of 500 degrees Fahrenheit to cause desorption of the organic contaminants from the soil into the airstream. The airstream is superheated at up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit to destroy all petroleum based contaminants. The airstream is then cooled via an air-to-air heat exchanger and filtered through a baghouse. Any particulates collected in the airstream are conveyed back into the kiln and reprocessed. Clean soil is tested and stored on site for use as clean fill materials.

          Soil Remediation of Philadelphia can treat soils contaminated with petroleum products up to No. 6 oil, at concentrations up to 30,000 ppm, while achieving less 10 ppm of contaminants after processing. The process produces no residual waste, only clean soil, and the hydrocarbons are completely destroyed in the afterburner. The facility can be treated up to 800 tons per day of contaminated soil and up to 2,000 tons in our second plant, also in Philadelphia, PA. Emissions from the process are continually monitored, and consist mainly of steam.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          Soil Remediation of Philadelphia, Inc. has operated since 1992 continually processing hydrocarbon contaminated soils. The facility has proven effective treating all types of soils from fine clay to crushed aggregates. The process in permitted by the Pennsylvania waste management division of the Department of Environmental Resources, as well as the City of Philadelphia Department of Health Division of Air Management Service.


          Low temperature thermal desorption is limited to concentrations up to 30,000 ppm. However, blending less contaminated soil would be an option to bring higher concentrations to levels that can be treated. The process is not effective for treating soils with high metal concentrations, or soils with PCB contamination.
Chemicals, Organics, Technologies, Treatment/Remediation
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Thermal Desorption, Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Soil Remediation of Philadelphia, Inc.
3201 South 61st Street
Primary (215) 724-5520
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(215) 724-2939
Branch Locations: