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EPA Office of Science and Technology 1996 Publications Catalog
Federal/National - Policies and Guidance
US Environmental Protection Agency-EPA, Directories, All Listings
Document #:
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The EPA Office of Science and Technology (OST) is responsible for developing sound, scientifically defensible standards, criteria, advisories, guidelines, limitations and standards guidelines under the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. OST is also responsible for developing risk assessment methodologies and for providing risk assessment support for the EPA Office of Water. Publications from the OST are listed in the OST 1996 Publications Catalog, which is available online at the OST web site. The catalog is divided into the following 17 categories:

          Industrial Effluent Limitations and Guidelines - Current documents (effluent limitations, guidelines, and standards by industry) and Supporting and historical documents
          Water Quality Standards (interim guidance, health effects, water quality standards by state)
          Ambient Water Quality Criteria (ambient aquatic life water quality, ambient water quality by compound)
          Biological Quality Criteria (biological assessments, biological criteria)
          Sediment Quality Criteria (benthic organism sediment quality criteria)
          Drinking Water Criteria (proposed and final criteria by compound)
          Drinking Water Health Advisories (health advisories by compound)
          Water Quality Modeling and Waste Load Allocations (for streams, rivers, lakes, impoundments, etc.)
          Analytical Laboratory Methods (conference proceedings, analytical methods)
          Contaminated Sediments (Contaminated Sediments News, fact sheets, contaminated sediment management)
          Fish Tissue Quality (fish consumption advisories, chemical residues in fish)
          Municipal Sewage Sludge (sampling practices, disposal, incineration)
          Videotapes (water quality criteria, ecological risk)
          Great Lakes Guidance (water quality guidance, Great Lakes water quality initiative criteria)
          Pollution Prevention (IP3 Reports, pollution prevention assessment, incentives, overviews)
          Other (dioxins, toxic control, priority pollutants)
          General Materials (pamphlets, posters, fact sheets dealing with effluent, industrial discharges, water quality, etc.)

          Within each category are listings of fact sheets, guidance documents, and technical reports published by the OST. The full text of each of these documents can be obtained by linking on the title of the document using a standard web browser. In addition, hard copies of many publications in this catalog are distributed compliments of the U.S. EPA OST through the Water Resource Center. EPA distributes one free copy of each publication to each customer until supplies are depleted. When the EPA's supply of a publication is depleted, requesters are referred to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) or the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). These clearinghouses provide copies of OST publications for a fee.
Analytical Testing, Drinking Water, Pollution Prevention/Waste Minimization, Wastewater Treatment/CWA, Water Resources/Supply/SDWA

Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Directory, Water Quality Standards, Effluent, Pollution Prevention, Sewage, Sediments, Drinking Water

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Water Resource Center
401 M Street, SW
Office of Water Resource Center (202) 260-7786
NTIS(800) 553-6847
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