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General Listing
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AETS (Advanced Environmental Technology Services, LLC)
Disposal/Recycling Facilities
Disposal Facilities, Recycling Facilities, Transfer Stations, All Listings
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AETS provides comprehensive hazardous waste material and management services to municipal and industrial customers nationwide through a network of waste transfer facilities and contracts with waste disposal companies. Typical services provided by AETS include: waste packaging, transportation, and disposal; handling of highly reactive materials and cylinders; household hazardous waste collection programs; certain remediation services; on-site hazardous materials management; recycling and reclamation; and information management and training. Specific waste streams that can be accepted at the facility include: wastewaters, contaminated soils, inorganics, organics, paint sludges, pesticides, reactives, halogenated and nonhalogenated solvents, heavy metals, acids, caustics, and oils.

          AETS customers can choose from three levels of service:

          On-Site Service - Placement of AETS personnel at a customer location on a full- or part-time basis to perform various environmental service functions.

          Field Services - Routine or on-demand service by AETS personnel performing waste preparation and removal or other hazardous material related project work.

          AETS Express - Simplified waste disposal service, which allows customers to assume a greater role in the profiling, scheduling, waste preparation and removal process in the interest of lowering costs.

          AETS has access to the treatment, recycling and disposal technologies offered by Waste Management. This relationship results in uninterrupted waste removal service to customers. In addition, AETS is under contract with other qualified firms for disposal and recycling services. This network of Part B-permitted transfer facilities and AETS's in-transit locations enable AETS to guarantee transportation efficiencies and gives them the ability to remove previously unprofiled wastes quickly, often on the same day as requested.
Batteries, Chemical Residues, Cyanide, Flammables, Hazardous Materials/Substances, Hazardous Waste, Lead, Mercury, Paints, PCBs, Pesticides/FIFRA, Transportation, Used Oil, Waste Management, Wastewater Treatment/CWA, Chemicals, Inorganics/Metals, Organics

Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Hazardous Waste Handling, TSDs, Disposal, Transportation, Recycling, Waste Brokering, Wastewaters, Contaminated Soils, Inorganics, Organics, Paint Sludges, Pesticides, Reactives, Solvents, Heavy Metals, Acids, Caustics, Oils

Advanced Environmental Technology Services, LLC (AETS)
3 Gold Mine Road
Toll Free (800) 426-2382
Outside U.S.(201) 347-7111
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(201) 691-3978
Branch Locations:

        Phoenix, AZ; Richmond, CA; Calumet City, IL; Blaine. MN; Creedmoor, NC; Flanders, NJ; Millington, TN; Tukwilla, WA; Menomonee Falls, WI