General Listing |
Title of Listing: |  | South Carolina Environmental Regulations |
Category: |  | State/Regional - Laws and Regulations |
Subcategory: |  | South Carolina, All Listings |
Date: |  | |
Document #: |  | |
Web Site: |  | |
Email: |  | |
Abstract: |  |
EQC's regulation are not currently posted online. Plans are to have them listed on EQC's home page.
Hardcopies of EQC regulations are available for purchase via mail from the organization referenced below.
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Air, Water, Waste
Organization: |  | South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), Office of Environmental Quality Control (EQC) |
Address: |  | 2600 Bull St
| Phone: | Description | Number |
City: |  | Columbia | | Administration | (803) 734-5360 |
State/Province/Territory: |  | SC | 2. | Locator | (803) 734-5000 |
Zip/Postal Code: |  | 29201 | 3. | Free/Purchase From Freedom of Information | (803) 734-5376 |
Country: |  | United States | 4. | Fax: | (803) 734-9196 |
Branch Locations: |  |