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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Hrubout (TM) - Ex-Situ
Treatment Technologies
*Soil, All Listings
Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds
Web Site:
Technology Description:

          The HRUBOUT (R) process is a mobile thermal treatment batch process that removes volatile and semivolatile organic compounds from contaminated soils. In the process, heated air is injected into the soil below the zone of contamination, evaporating the soil moisture and removing the VOCs and SVOCs. Once the water is evaporated, the soil porosity and permeability are increased, allowing for increases in pressure and temperature. Low-volatility hydrocarbons can then be removed by slow oxidation at higher temperatures.

          HRUBOUT (R) is available in three embodiments: in situ, ex situ, and a containerized version. The ex situ soil pile process involves a horizontal piping grid overlain with a mound of soil, and remediates approximately 1,100 cubic yards per batch. The mound is covered with an impermeable membrane. Heated compressed air is introduced at temperatures up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. As it is introduced, the pressure is slowly increased. As the vapors reach the surface of the soil pile, which is covered with the impermeable cover, a vacuum removes the vent gases to an oxidizer, where they are destroyed at a temperature of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit and a retention time of 0.6 seconds.

          The containerzied method remediates 25 - 40 cubic yards per batch and is processed similarly, except that the soil is enclosed in an insulated container. It is especially adaptable for use at refineries or processing plants that yield daily quantities of contaminated soils or sludges as a by product.

          The process is capable of treating a wide range of hydrocarbons in various soils. It eliminates the need to landfill soils. There is no residual waste.

          The HRUBOUT (R) process is capable of treating a broad variety of organic halogenated or nonhalogenated volatiles as well as semivolatiles at any concentration range, which includes, but is not limited to, solvents, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, crude oil, lube oils and creosotes. The technology allows for application to all types of soils from sand to clay.

          The equipment is very versatile, mobile, and relatively compact. The unit requires electricity which can be supplied by either a generator or a three-phase power hook-up to an existing power source. The burner and oxidizer are fueled by either natural gas or propane. The units can operate twenty-four hours a day, are completely weatherproofed, and require minimal manpower. The VOC destruction rate is a minimum of 99.5 percent.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          Early research and development activity led to the development of the first prototype commercial unit in August, 1990. The unit was subjected to nearly three months of continuous operation at a test site. Results confirmed bench-scale tests which indicated that soil could be heated to temperatures that would volatilize -- and in the case of the more inert hydrocarbons, oxidize -- common hydrocarbon-derived contaminants. Field tests of various injection methods and operating techniques have continued to the present date.

          On April 30, 1991, U. S. Patent No. 5,011,329 was issued covering the in situ process. Subsequent U.S. Patent Nos. 5,251,700, 5,261,765 and 5,325,795 cover the soil pile and container processes.

          The process was approved by the Texas Water Commission in December, 1991. For nonhazardous wastes in Texas, only a Standard Exemption 68 is required from the Texas Air Control Board for air emissions.


          The process cannot remove base metals from soils.
Technologies, Treatment/Remediation
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Thermal Treatment, Mobile, VOCs, SVOCs, Batch

5949 Sherry Lane
Suite 525
Primary (214) 363-7833
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United States
Fax:(214) 691-8545
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