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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Depth Moisture/Density Gauge - Model 4350
Characterization Technologies
*Soil, All Listings
Soil, Leachate, Groundwater
Soil Types, Soil Moisture
Web Site:
Technology Description:

The Model 4350 Depth Moisture/Density transportable gauge provides leak detection for landfills, lagoons and other waste storage facilities. The probe is winched through a solid-walled access tube using the Model 4350 Winch System. The probe emits neutrons from an Americium-241: Beryllium nuclear source. Neutrons thermalize (slow) when they collide with hydrogen. After approximately 19 collisions, the neutrons have slowed enough to be detected by a He3 tube. The more counts registered, the greater the amount of hydrogen present. Hydrogen is primarily present in water. Therefore the detected neutrons can be correlated to water content.

          Another nuclear source, using Cesium-137, emits gamma rays. Utilizing Compton Scattering principles, some of the gamma rays are scattered back into a GM tube where they are counted. The higher the counts, the lower the density. A correlation can be developed between the counts and the density.

          The Model 4350 can provide continuous or on-demand measurements. The measurement frequently can be set by the operator.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The Model 4350 has been successfully used in the moisture and density monitoring of a simulated waste site and an actual municipal waste site. The system found a "planted" leak at the simulated mixed waste site and an actual liner leak at the municipal waste site.

          The Model 4350 has been commercially available for about 3 to 4 years. Due to the use of a radiation source, the gauge requires necessary state or NRC radiation licensing for operation.


          The neutron probe measures a volume of approximately 90 liters. The gamma (density) probe measures a volume of approximately 10 liters. The access tubing must be installed during the waste containment site construction. The access tubing should be installed 3 feet above the highest ground water level to ensure that the Model 4350 is not measuring groundwater, but rather leachate.

          The Model 4350 cannot operate in highly saturated zones. Such conditions would provide high readings, and would not detect seeps.
Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Moisture, Density, Leachate, Nuclear, Monitor

Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.
3008 Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park
Primary (919) 549-8661
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(919) 549-0761
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