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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
WESAS (WESCA Soil Access System)
Characterization Technologies
*Soil, All Listings
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Technology Description:

An easy to install WESCA soil access system places a UNIBEST, Inc. resin capsule in situ for long-term soil chemical monitoring. The following combination of features permits continuous, nondestructive sampling at each sample point.

          An in-ground PVC casing remains in place for the duration of a study or project. A capsule carrier inside the casing is quickly and easily remove for changing the UNIBEST resin capsule. A retainer holds a resin capsule securely so that one-half of the capsule surface is in a small cavity below the casing. A stainless steel spring at the top of the carrier, held down by the cap, keeps the capsule in firm contact with the soil at a known location below the surface. A screw-on cap protects the capsule from external contamination.

          Data are obtained by periodically removing the in situ capsule for laboratory analysis and placing a new capsule in the ground.

          The resin capsule developed by UNIBEST, Inc. is a technology that uses porous, spherical capsules containing adsorbing materials (resins) that "soak up" the chemicals from the soil volume surrounding the capsule.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The WESCA soil system was developed in 1963. Since then it has been successfully used for two years of continuous monitoring following cleanup of a diesel fuel spill near 14,000 feet in the Colorado mountains. From approximately October to June each year the system was frozen into the ground. Capsules were replaced at the end of winter and twice in the summer to evaluate seasonal effects from any residual fuel.

          Environmental research projects in Montana and Germany are currently using the WESCA soil access system. This access and monitoring system is also being used on a mill tailings restoration project.

          The WESCA soil system allows for sample collection that can be used for site mapping, leak and leachate detection, analytical measurements and health and safety monitoring.


          The WESCA soil access system can be installed in most soils. The easiest installation is in soils without course fragments using a 1-inch diameter hand or power auger. In soil with some coarse fragments, a hole or narrow trench can be dug. Cavities are carefully made in one wall to accept the casings and capsule carriers. Starting at the lowest point, place a casing in each cavity and carefully backfill the hole.

          By Special Order:

          For depths greater than 2.3 meters a threaded casing and carrier assemble is available. Capsule carrier assemblies for use in existing small diameter 2.5 cm ID minimum) well casings can be set up as needed. To use the WESCA soil access system in muskeg or other swampy conditions, a stabilizing float can be made available. In non-soil situations such as for sewer systems, streams, and lakes a retainer for using UNIBEST, Inc. resin capsules can be developed and manufactured if there is an interest.

          Capsules must be in place long enough to adsorb detectable quantities of target chemicals.
Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
In-Situ Chemical Detector, Soil

Warrington Ecological Systems Analysis (WESCA)
8125 Turman Court
Fort Collins
Primary (970) 663-2979
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United States
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