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Environmental Technology Listing
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Characterization Technologies
*Air, Water, Soil, All Listings
Gas, Soil, Water
BTEX, halogenated and non-halogenated volatiles, solvents
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Technology Description:

Photovac has developed the new 10S PLUS Portable Gas Chromatograph which incorporates significant new technological advances including a built-in computer and instant-access 2Mb memory cards for specific analytical method and application storage. Stored chromatograms, analytical methods, and data can be downloaded from the card to a floppy disk on a PC for archiving.

Menu-driven software provides automatic peak integration, peak magnification, and post-analysis integration for improved accuracy of quantification in complex samples. Autoranging permits operation at high gain to accommodate extreme variance in concentrations of different analytes.

The improved Photovac Photoionization Detector (PID) measures contaminants from hundreds of PPM to sub-PPB. The specially designed Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV) light source is available in different energies ranging from 8.4eV to 11.7eV. The standard lamp is 10.6eV and is applied to a vast range of volatile compounds with ionization potentials less than or equal to this energy.

The VUV light source emits photons in an ionization chamber. A sample molecule absorbs a photon when the energy of the photon is less than or equal to the ionization potential of the sample molecule. Ions formed are collected in the ionization chamber and the resulting current is proportional to the concentration of the sample molecule being ionized.

Design features also include built-in stainless steel valving and tubing, (minimizing contaminant carry-over and memory effects), with precolumn/backflush wide-bore capillary columns and isothermal oven for reliable compound tracking and identification.

Samples collected in an internal sample loop enter the precolumn, usually of the same phase as the analytical column. By programming the internal valving, Carrier Gas (High Purity Compressed Air) is passed through the two columns in series to separate and transfer only those compounds of interest to the analytical column for further separation, ionization and detection at the PID. Late-eluting (low-volatility) compounds, not of interest, are trapped on the precolumn and backflushed away, thereby significantly reducing analysis time and cost per sample.

Sampling and Calibration can be either automatic and continuous using the built-in pump, or manual, using a gas-tight syringe with the injection ports on the instrument.

Optional chromatography configurations are possible including a second built-in PID with independent internal pump, for real-time Total VOC screening with characterization by GC.

The 10S PLUS is self-contained with built-in rechargeable Carrier Gas Tank and rechargeable battery. The instrument is briefcase-sized and weighs less than 30 lbs. for true portability.
Performance Status/

The 10S PLUS GC is capable of analyzing compounds with vapor pressures of at least 1 mm Hg at 25 C. With the exception of Naphthalene, semi-volatile compounds, such as other polyaromatic hydrocarbons, would not be a suitable analytical application for the instrument.

The 10S PLUS GC can not be applied to PCB analysis or analysis of CO, CO2, COS, NO2, SO2, SO3, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, or nitric acid corrosive vapors.

By virtue of true portability, the 10S PLUS GC operates at a maximum isothermal column oven temperature of 50 C. Liquid samples can not be introduced into the instrument.
Analytical Testing, Site Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Gas Chromatography, Soil, Gas, Water

Photovac Monitoring Instruments
25-B Jefryn Blvd. West
Deer Park
Primary (905) 477-8088
Check Orders(800) 231-9918
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(203) 761-5330
United States
Fax:(203) 761-2678
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