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Environmental Technology Listing
Title of Listing:
Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer
Characterization Technologies
*Water, Soil, All Listings
Soil, Sludge, Sediment, Water
PNAs, Solvents, Radioactive Metals, Explosives
Web Site:
Technology Description:

SCAPS incorporates existing cone penetrometer technology to evaluate in situ geophysical soil properties while simultaneously using sensors to determine the presence of contaminants. The SCAPS platform consists of a 20-ton truck equipped with vertical hydraulic rams that are used to force a sensor probe into the ground. Onboard are a data acquisition, processing, and data storage computer system and electronic signal processing equipment. This equipment also permits onboard displays providing information on geophysical properties and soil type. A trailer-mounted grout pumping system accompanies the SCAPS truck. This system is attached to a grouting system that has been incorporated into the SCAPS probe to permit grouting as the probe is retracted from the hole. This feature prevents vertical subsurface cross-contamination. The SCAPS penetrometer is made up of 4.45-cm outside diameter push rods attached to a probe containing multiple sensors for in situ soil testing. The multisensor penetrometer probe simultaneously measures resistance to penetration at its tip and frictional resistance developed along its cylindrical exterior. These geophysical measurements are used to determine soil layer boundary and soil type. Numerous sensors may be coupled with the penetrometer; the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) sensor has been used extensively and is commercially available. The LIF utilized a fiber optic linked sampling "window" on the probe which sense for the presence of petroleum, oil, or lubricants (POL) using LIF. Data is continuously logged during the push by the on-board computer system, providing 3-D data in near real-time. Postprocessing visualization of sensor response provides another tool to interpret sensor data. Sensors for explosives constituents and volatile organic compounds (VOC) have been extensively field tested, and a bench-scale sensor for metals is under development. A probe to measure soil moisture and pore size is also in development.
Performance Status/

Performance Status:

          The U.S. Army in 1987 initiated the development of the Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) for investigating and screening Department of Defense (DoD) sites as part of Installation Restoration. The SCAPS development effort was designated a Tri-Service program in 1989 coordinated by the U.S. Army Environmental Center. Patent license negotiations for the LIF technology were completed in FY95. Regulatory acceptance of the Tri-Service SCAPS LIF technology will be pursued through a demonstration in April FY95 to the EPA led Consortium for Site Characterization Technology and the Western Governors Association subcommittee for site characterization.


          Not for rocky or well-compacted soils. The penetrometer cannot be advanced into bedrock. Sensors provide only qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of contamination at this time and may be influenced by matrix. Naturally fluorescing minerals may interfere with the LIF sensors. An empirical relationship between measured strength properties and soil type is used to determine soil classification, and correspondence to the USGS classification system is not exact. Soil samples are typically smaller than those obtained from drilling. Water samples are typically smaller than those obtained from installation of a monitoring well.
Geophysics, Technologies, Characterization
Additional Topics/Tags/Keywords
Laser Spectroscopy, Penetrometer, Soil, Groundwater

Tri-Service SCAPS
Bldg. 4430
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Primary (410) 612-6865
Zip/Postal Code:
United States
Fax:(410) 612-6836
Branch Locations: