Here's what a few community members have said about EnviroSource:
"Finally somebody's got it right! It's refreshing to see that someone has taken the initiative to develop a system like this. Our editorial staff relies on EnviroSource as a reference for contacts and content sources."
Michael Stevinson
Associate Editor
The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy
Publishing Resources, Inc.
"I have had an opportunity to work with your product EnviroSource on the Internet and have found it to be very valuable. The right tools to do our work more efficiently and accurately is important as we continue to take on more responsibility with the same amount of time."
Peggy Grogan, CHMM
Manager, Environmental Affairs
Tennant Company
"Your collection of environmental data on the Internet gives us exactly what we need and has saved us time and money over other vendors of the same information. I will not hesitate to direct my colleagues to your product."
Steve Heikkila, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
DPRA Environmental Consulting
"EnviroSource is an invaluable time-saving tool for the environmental professional. The program quickly directs you to Internet Web sites containing the environmental data you need, slashing the search time normally required. The software is especially helpful for project management/job setup activities."
Joe Renier, P.G.
Senior Hydrogeologist
International Technology (IT) Corporation