Federal/National - Laws and Regulations
This category provides reference to federal laws and regulations in the U.S. and Canada. U.S. coverage is provided for the EPA and other federal agencies which provide regulatory control. Canada coverage is provided for Environment Canada and other federal agencies which provide regulatory control.
The following areas of regulatory information are included in this category:
1. Laws/Statues/Codes/Acts
2. Rules/Regulations
3. The U.S. Federal Register and Canadian Gazettes
4. U.S. Executive Orders
5. Legislative Information
6. U.S. Courts/Judicial
7. Commercial Vendors of Regulatory Information
8. Directories that provide overviews, summaries, proposed rules and supporting documentation)
9. Indexes such as the Canadian Environmental Statutes and Regulations Index and the Canadian Environmental Laws and Regulations Index
Note: Listings in this category have limited searchability by technical words.
Related References
See the EnviroSource category Books and other categories for reference to listings which provide additional coverage such as summaries and interpretations of laws and regulations.
A discussion on U.S. federal laws and regulations and how to use them in conjunction with this category can be found in the EnviroSource Subject Guide titled U.S. Environmental Regulatory Guide.
Regulatory updates can also be found on the EnviroSource Home Page under "View News Sites".