Here are some of our eco tips by category. Help us grow this list and Suggest a New Eco Tip!
Save energy
-install compact fluorescent bulbs
-turn off unneeded lights and electronics
-turn down the heat and use a programmable/time controlled thermostat to turn the heat even lower at night and when out of the house for long periods of time
-turn down the water heater temperature
-wash clothes in cold water
-conduct regular furnace and A/C maintenance
-seal air leaks and add insulation
-purchase Energy Star/energy efficient appliances
-install an air source heat pump for heating and cooling
-hang dry laundry when feasible
-use rubber or wool dryer balls to reduce laundry drying time
Reduce, reuse, recycle
-stop unwanted mail and phonebooks
-go paperless with your bank, utility, and other account information (choose online or email)
-don’t print email and other documents unless necessary
-recycle food and beverage cans, jars, bottles, pantry food boxes, etc.
-buy long-lasting and repairable goods and clothing
-use reusable bags, bottles, dishes, napkins, etc.
-purchase second-hand items when possible
Sustainable yard and composting
-for small yards replace your gas-powered mower and blower with a push mower and rake
-leave grass clippings on lawn when mowing
-use USDA organic fertilizers and apply less frequently
-plant trees for shade and a wind break
-install a green roof
-compost yard and garden waste
-compost food waste
-carpool or ride bus to work
-bike or walk to work
-combine errands
-conduct regular vehicle maintenance
-purchase a fuel-efficient and less polluting vehicle, i.e. a green vehicle (Green Vehicle Guide)
-work at home 1 day a week or more
Renewable energy
-buy renewable energy/green power from your local utility
-join a local community solar garden
-install a solar hot water heating system
-install solar panels on your roof
-install a small wind turbine
Conserve water
-install a low-flow showerhead
-fix plumbing leaks such as running toilets
-water lawn early in morning to minimize evaporation and only when necessary (at night is not good for lawn)
-reduce use of water on lawn and garden by planting drought-tolerant native plants
-install a rain barrel to collect rainwater that can be used for various purposes
-eat local food
-determine your carbon footprint
This list is just a start. Suggest a New Eco Tip!