
This category references magazines, newspapers, newsletters and journals. Many of the documents referenced in this category are available in electronic format through the Internet. Some regional sources are referenced if they are somewhat "unique" in subject matter.

Free information is abundant and usually falls into one of the following formats:
  • "Free Online Abstracts" - abstracts are available online in electronic format
  • "Free Online Articles" - one or more articles are available online in electronic format
  • "Free Online Publication" - the entire publication is available online in electronic format
  • "Free Hardcopy" - the publication is available free in hardcopy format

Notes: See the source titled IBM InfoMarket - this service provides articles from a wide variety of sources for a low per document retrieval fee. For trade associations or other groups that offer a periodical, the organization's membership fees may be less expensive than the actual subscription price.

Related References

Many organizations referenced in the EnviroSource categories Hotlines/Clearinghouses, Associations/Citizen Groups, Training Providers, Publishers, Research Centers and other categories have their own newsletter. Some of these organizational newsletters are referenced in this category, i.e. those that are "editor choices".

Those magazines and newsletters that seem most useful for business development are referenced in the EnviroSource category Business Development. Regulatory newsletters may also be referenced in the categories Federal/National - Laws and Regulations and State/Regional - Laws and Regulations. Also, see the EnviroSource Home Page under "View News Sites".


Magazines and newspapers publish articles and contain a lot of advertising. Newsletters are a brief format with focused subject matter, and they are often used to provide updates on an organization's activities. Journals generally publish technical papers and contain little or no advertising. Periodicals refers to all of these types of sources.